Team Veteran Blog Page

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Team Veteran Blog Page

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Blue Water Navy offers members additional benefits Blue Water Navy offers members additional benefits

Blue Water Navy offers members additional benefits

The First Cost of Freedom is Supporting Our Veterans

Stop Labeling and Drugging Our Troops

Cops helping Vets - Phoenix Marathon

LegalShield and Kroll's IDShield

Supporting Blue Water Navy Vietnam Veterans Association

Blue Water Navy offers members additional benefits

Team Veteran is starting what the federal govt won't do

Heal the brain with HBOT

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Blue Water Navy offers members additional benefits

July 24, 2015 by Terry Kohler

Blue Water Navy Vietnam Veterans Association offers to its membership base LegalShield and IDShield to handle trivial and traumatic legal and identity theft issues.  This action allows those without Wills, Physicians Directives, Durable Power of Attorney to get those tools in place (as its known that 7 out of every 10 Americans do not have these valuable documents). A LegalShield plan can help with all sorts of planned and unplanned legal issues such as traffic tickets, foreclosures, warranty disputes and much more.Blue Water Navy & LS screen shot

Identity theft effects millions of Americans and children are 51 times more likely to be a victim each year. Victims of identity theft can face issues such as lost job opportunities, problems with securing a loan or harassment from debt collectors. You can get the experts on your side with IDShield. Services include access to your credit report (or consumer credit disclosure), consultations, expert restoration and more.

Team Veteran makes a donation to the Blue Water Navy Vietnam Veterans Association for every membership that is activated.  See our Mission page to learn more.

Blue Water Navy Vietnam Veterans and Agent Orange Diseases

June 23, 2015 by Gordon Brown

VA Turns Back on Navy Vietnam Veterans Suffering from Agent Orange Diseases

For the past year, most Americans are aware of many problems at the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA.) The media has done an excellent job reporting the excessive backlog in processing veteran medical claims, the unsatisfactory amount of time it takes for veterans to get appointments at VA hospitals and clinics, the cooking of the books by VA hospital officials trying to satisfy the VA bureaucrats in the Washington headquarters, and the procurement irregularities associated with the billions of annual VA expenditures.

What has not been reported by the media and not being addressed by the VA is the grave injustice to thousands of Vietnam veterans, who have died or are dying from (more…)

hidden enemy documentary exposes the covert operation behind military suicides

June 9, 2015 by Terry Kohler

Here is part of what you discover on this story that needs shared!

In early 2013, the official website of the United States Department of Defense announced the startling statistic that the number of military suicides in 2012 had far exceeded the total of those killed in battle—an average of nearly one a day. A month later came an even more sobering statistic from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs: veteran suicide was running at 22 a day—about 8000 a year.

The situation became so dire that the U.S. Secretary of Defense called suicide in the military an “epidemic.”

Some have claimed that this spate of self-harm is because of the stresses of war. But the facts reveal that 85% of military suicides have not seen combat—and 52% never even deployed.

So what unsuspected factor is causing military suicide rates to soar?

The video at the image below may boil your blood.

Hidden Enemy - Covert Agenda

The Hidden Enemy a compelling & disturbing documentary

Just A Common Soldier

June 3, 2015 by Terry Kohler

You’ll NOT want to miss this excellent poem and the way it is presented in video!  Team Veteran would be honored to meet A. Lawrence Vaincourt!

Just A Common Soldier

From Just A Common Soldier:

Just A Common Soldier, also known as A Soldier Died Today, is one of the most popular poems on the Internet. Written and published in 1987 by Canadian veteran and columnist A. Lawrence Vaincourt, it now appears in numerous anthologies, on thousands of websites and on July 4, 2008 it was carved into a marble monument at West Point, New York. This year marks the poem’s 25th anniversary.

Please enjoy this tribute to the Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, and Airmen who have given so much for our country.


May 19, 2015 by Gordon Brown

SUICIDE OUTRAGE – Since 2001 169,792+/- Veterans have died by suicide.

Another Veteran will die by suicide in 36 minutes 7 seconds.
Total this year 39112 have died by suicide.

CALL TO ACTION: What will you do to help create sustainable funding to support vetted Veteran charities nationwide?

Please contact Team Veteran to see how you can help create the funds needed to stop this Outrage!

decisionmaker @

The following video links [also on our video page] contain important (more…)

TVet Brochure

April 6, 2015 by Gordon Brown

We’ve simplified our brochure!  This is the front & back view.  Click image to see close up.


Follow USMC SSgt James Carey in HBOT

March 17, 2015 by Gordon Brown

Have you heard?  The donation made through Team Veteran LLC by founder Gordon Brown has made its way to Louisiana!

Team Veteran and James Carey Donation

USMC SSgt James Carey with his Carey Corps receiving a donation from Gordon Brown through Team Veteran LLC

Harch Institute, Team Veteran and others are working with James and his family to help James improve his life. Even after the first evaluation and treatment came exciting (more…)

Carey Corps

February 28, 2015 by Terry Kohler

Severely injured in a training exercise, Marine defies doctors expectations at the Phoenix Marathon.

Blind Camp Pendleton Marine Vet Competing In Marathon Via Wheelchair

James Carey - Carey Corps

James Carey – Carey’s Corps


Cops helping Vets – Phoenix Marathon

February 14, 2015 by Terry Kohler
SSgt James Carey 1st Marathon

SSgt James Carey 1st Marathon


Phoenix Law Enforcement Association

Phoenix Law Enforcement Association

Arizona Police Association

Arizona Police Association

PLEA in partnership with the Arizona Police Association to serve a Wounded Veteran achieve his quest to participate in the Phoenix Marathon logo

Several years ago 27 year old Marine Staff Sergeant James Carey was wounded during a training exercise which rendered him blind and confined to a wheel chair.  He can only see light shadows and has a goal of walking again one day.  In the past few years, fellow Marines from Camp Pendleton have come together to keep his spirits up and keep him focused on his recovery.  They have done this by assisting him in competing in three full marathons where teams of (more…)

Veteran David Burt House Fire

February 6, 2015 by Terry Kohler

KSL News story – Emotional Veteran’s House Fire Story qrcode-DavidBurtHouseKSLKSL house fire

GoFundMe – Here you may help a fellow Veteran qrcodeDavidBurtGoFundMe

Please consider helping David Burt, a fellow Veteran [100% service-connected disabled], who lost their home last (more…)

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