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They tell us there’s alternative sustainable fundraising They tell us there’s alternative sustainable fundraising

They tell us there’s alternative sustainable fundraising

The First Cost of Freedom is Supporting Our Veterans

Stop Labeling and Drugging Our Troops

Cops helping Vets - Phoenix Marathon

LegalShield and Kroll's IDShield

Supporting Blue Water Navy Vietnam Veterans Association

They tell us there’s alternative sustainable fundraising

Team Veteran is starting what the federal govt won't do

Heal the brain with HBOT

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They tell us there’s alternative sustainable fundraising

September 30, 2017 by Terry Kohler

Picture this.  Team Veteran members are chatting with people, many times with those in low or high level decision making positions, that tell us there are other viable, working alternatives to creating sustainable funding, from what we are doing. TVet is still waiting for them to tell us what is working. While we wait for those solutions, let’s listen together to some gentle jam melody. Click the play button below and enjoy while you continue reading.

Team Veteran LLC has been told there are all kinds of funds out there to support [Veteran] charities. Where is it? Besides begging for money, i.e. the typical donations, and grants.  We have also been told by people they are going to reach back to us. We figure they are going to tell us about their currently working sustainable funding program or idea – still waiting!  Only the serious need to reply.  Team Veteran LLC will not be sitting around waiting for those non-serious talkers, because they don’t care about Veterans, their families or children.

Remember the kids in the movie… “Are we there yet?”

Team Veteran LLC gets contacted frequently by individuals with a request to include their business’ cause~mission~purpose on our Resources page, but they have yet to ask us about our causes~missions~purposes.  Let’s see how many ‘please add us to your Resource page’ will contact us if we start saying, “Only the serious Veteran supporters need apply”.  All they see is a Resource page on someone’s web site they hope to add their business/personal gain to.

Still waiting.

As the rest of the world waits for working sustainable funding, 22-30 Veterans a day are dying by suicide.

Team Veteran LLC is using cause marketing to create sustainable funding. Are you still waiting with us? There’s about 54 minutes of this gentle jam melody provided by Jeapordy.


Still Waiting…

Veterans are still dying by suicide…

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